France is littered with numerous beautiful villages, and I visited one such village where my friend's family lives. I was immediately struck by a moving sight I had never witnessed before—rows of houses along streets that resemble something from the medieval times and look as if they are part of a movie set.

Between touring the different spots in that village, I stayed at a rustic youth hotel. I remember my shock when I first entered my hotel room. The entire room was dark, illuminated only by light filtering in from the outside that was so faint it wasn't even possible to read. There was no TV, radio, refrigerator, or telephone either. Needless to say, my mobile phone had no connection. And the last thing I noticed was that my room didn't even have a curtain...

What I didn't expect was to realize 2 days later that there was no need for any curtains whatsoever. When the sun rises and light suffuses the room, it's time to wake up. And when the sun sets and night falls, candles are lit. That's precisely the way of life of medieval people.

The time I spent in this empty room, where nothing besides the sound of nature can be heard, was surprisingly relaxing. And it was this life-changing experience that gave birth to the concept of maison blanche.

フランス写真 フランス写真 フランス写真




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1.UV対策 特に夏は強い紫外線や日焼けを気にして対策をする方は多いと思います。 近年は男性もUV対策する方が増えてきました。 みなさんはどんな紫外線対策をしていますか? 人によって気になる部分は違うと思うので対策グッズも人それぞれ。 正しい方法で十分に対策をとってください。 2.あなたのグッズは大丈夫? 毎年使うものだから大切に使っていれば、ずっと使えるグッズも多いですよね。 壊れたり、使い切らない以上、新しいものを買わない人も多いかと思います。 一度買ったものを長く使い続けすぎて効果が薄れてしまっているグッズもあるかもしれません。 この機会に自分の対策グッズは大丈夫か見直してみましょう。 3.寿命があるグッズ 3-1.日焼け止め 気軽に行えるUV対策として多くの方が使用していると思います




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